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ICAI Annual Report 2015 to 2016

Independent Commission for Aid Impact

ICAI Annual Report 2015 to 2016

Agulhas supported ICAI in drafting their annual report. The report includes a follow up of ICAI reviews published in 2014-15 including reviews on the UK’s International Climate Fund, the review of UK Development Assistance for Security and Justice and the review on assessing the Impact of the Scale-up of DFID’s support to Fragile States. The report also examines the new style of reviews adopted by ICAI, including the range of scrutiny tools which reflect the more complex aid structure and the changes underway in the share of Official Development Assistance (ODA) spent by departments other than DFID.

Areas of Expertise

Aid policy

  • Aid architecture
  • Performance management and accountability


  •  Institutional change and capacity building

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