Where We Work
We work wherever there are pressing global issues. We have experience in more than 50 countries across the world, particularly Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. While based in the UK, we work closely and equitably with national partners, sharing and exchanging knowledge.
Our geographical experiences shape the way we perceive and understand the world. Our interpretation of the Hobo-Dyer map displays the places we have learned from through our work as a company and as individuals. This map offers a viewpoint where regions are displayed more equal to their true size and in a South-centric visualisation. Opposing the traditional Eurocentric presentation of the world, it helps us conceptualise a more inclusive perspective to international development.
- The interaction between climate change, labour markets and migration in the IGAD region
- DFID’s partnerships with civil society organisations
- The UK’s aid response to irregular migration in the central Mediterranean (ICAI)
- DFID’s Efforts to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls (ICAI)
- DFIDs Education Programme in Three East African Countries (ICAI)
- Gendered realities in displacement: The status of Syrian refugee women in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq
- Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan
- UK aid’s approach to youth employment in the Middle East and North Africa
- Strengthening the Resilience of Syrian Women and Girls and Host Communities programme
- Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the Jordan Compact - Final Report
- The UK’s humanitarian response to COVID-19
- CDC’s investments in low-income and fragile states
- Accessing, staying and succeeding in basic education – UK aid’s support to marginalised girls
- AMP Health - Provision of learning and monitoring services
- DFIDs Contribution to the Reduction of Child Mortality in Kenya (ICAI)
Kyrgyz Republic
- Gendered realities in displacement: The status of Syrian refugee women in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq
- UK aid’s approach to youth employment in the Middle East and North Africa
- Independent Monitor’s Report on the Lebanon Commitments from the London and Brussels Conferences
- The UK’s approach to funding the UN humanitarian system
- Accessing, staying and succeeding in basic education – UK aid’s support to marginalised girls
- UK aid to agriculture in a time of climate change
- CDC’s investments in low-income and fragile states
- Accessing, staying and succeeding in basic education – UK aid’s support to marginalised girls
- AMP Health - Provision of learning and monitoring services
- DFIDs Empowerment and Accountability Programming in Ghana and Malawi (ICAI)
Occupied Palestinian Territories
- The UK’s approach to democracy and human rights
- ICAI review of the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund
- Accessing, staying and succeeding in basic education – UK aid’s support to marginalised girls
- The specialist contributing to Citizen Engagement for Social Service Delivery III (DFAT)
- DFIDs Bilateral Aid to Pakistan (ICAI)
Sierra Leone
- Brief on Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) Partner Countries' Perspectives from Moving Towards Equitable Tax Systems
- 2020 Addis Tax Initiative Monitoring Report
- The UK’s support to the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA)
- AMP Health - Provision of learning and monitoring services
- AfDB Development Effectiveness Review: Sierra Leone
- The UK’s approach to democracy and human rights
- CDC’s investments in low-income and fragile states
- ICAI review of value for money through tendering and contract management
- DFID’s approach to supporting inclusive growth in Africa
- Accessing, staying and succeeding in basic education – UK aid’s support to marginalised girls
- Brief on Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) Partner Countries' Perspectives from Moving Towards Equitable Tax Systems
- The interaction between climate change, labour markets and migration in the IGAD region
- The UK’s approach to safeguarding in the humanitarian sector
- DFID’s governance work in Nepal and Uganda
- DFID’s Oversight of the EU’s Aid to Low-Income Countries
- Investing in Regional Prosperity: Positioning the Aid Program to Support Australia's Economic Partnerships in Asia
- Development Finance For Sustainable Development Goals in middle-income Vietnam
- Vietnam Monitoring of the Hanoi Core Statement
- Independent Monitoring of the Hanoi Core State on Aid Effectiveness
- DFID: Scaling up the response to HIV/AIDS in Vietnam
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