Photo of Lekha against a countryside background

Lekha Tlhotlhalemaje


As an Analyst at Agulhas, Lekha supports research and analysis within the Climate Hub. She is currently working on a synthesis review on the just transition in developing countries for the Green Climate Fund.

Lekha holds an MA from the University of British Columbia in Resources, Environment and Sustainability and a BA from Yale University in Environmental Studies. She has previous research experience in environmental justice—specifically on the intersection of climate change and migration in Southern Africa and land reform in South Africa. During her graduate studies, she worked on climate equity project in the City of New Westminster, Canada, building a framework to monitor the effectiveness of municipal climate equity initiatives. Before that, she worked as the Woodbridge Fellow for the Yale Africa Initiative, supporting the University in nurturing partnerships with African institutions and researchers.

Key work skills

Lekha has a background in human rights, forced migration, and climate justice in the global south. She has experience using various qualitative research methodologies which incorporate feminist and decolonial approaches.

Other interests

Outside of work, Lekha enjoys going to the cinema, rummaging through second-hand bookshops for interesting books, and walking around the city.

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