
Agulhas on ‘Measuring Transformational Change – lessons from climate action’ at gLOCAL evaluation week 2024

On 6th June, Agulhas will host an online learning event on ‘Measuring Transformational Change – lessons from climate action’ as part of gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2024; a unique M&E knowledge-sharing initiative.

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This year’s gLOCAL 2024 theme is ‘Evaluation and Transformational Change: Balancing Ambition and Realism’. Agulhas’s event panel will share their knowledge and experience of measuring transformational change, using several examples from their work with partners in supporting climate action. The event will enable discussions on the entry points and enablers to support the measurement of ‘transformational change’, an increasingly key but challenging aim for evaluators.

A panel of evaluators and experts on measuring transformational change in the sector will discuss ways in which entities can monitor and measure signs of transformational change over time. The panellists will share lessons from providing tailored support to build robust frameworks, as well as practical tools, for monitoring and reporting on transformational change for climate action, nationally and globally.

The 2024 theme for gLOCAL week, ‘Evaluation and Transformational Change: Balancing Ambition and Realism’, is a signal of increasing calls for radical changes in the context of international development. The theme draws awareness to the fact that ‘the world is confronted with challenges that threaten our welfare and the welfare of future generations: climate change, the destruction of ecosystems and species, poverty, inequality, insecurity and violence. These issues are more and more interconnected. To address these challenges, we cannot rely on “business as usual” scenarios and must embrace transformational change.’ Transformational change is defined in the gLOCAL week Concept Note as ‘systematic, fundamental and lasting’.

As a result, this year’s key questions are; ‘Can evaluation play a role in nudging policy communities and, consequently, society on the path to transformational change? And if so, how?’. Case studies from the panel members at ‘Measuring Transformational Change – lessons from climate action’ will demonstrate how we might address these questions through sharing examples and lessons from work in this area.

In Agulhas’ work with an international climate initiative, for example, the team designed a portfolio level monitoring, evaluation, learning and uptake (MELU) framework including a KPI on transformational change, accompanied by a series of tools to support implementation and reporting against each KPI. Practical examples like this will enable a discussion of how we might seek to support pathways to transformational change for the benefit of citizens and the planet.

Participants will be exposed to practical tools and methods for measuring transformational change, and the key lessons learned along the way. There will then be a Q&A, where participants and panellists will discuss how we might address barriers to measuring transformational change, and audience members will be encourages to share their own knowledge and experience.

About gLOCAL Evaluation week

gLOCAL Evaluation Week is a unique knowledge-sharing event, connecting a global community of people across sectors and regions. Over the course of a week, participants from all over the world join events – in their neighbourhood or across the ocean – to learn from each other on a vast number of topics and themes. Allowing participants insight into how their work fits in with regional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) ecosystems and the larger international M&E community, gLOCAL helps to inspire and energize a global movement – individuals and organizations who value the power of evidence to improve people’s lives.

Since its launch in 2019, the gLOCAL platform has hosted thousands of events in multiple languages across six continents. It has grown to become one of the largest M&E knowledge-sharing events in the world.

gLOCAL is convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) – a network of organizations and experts that supports country governments with strengthening national M&E systems and improving the use of evidence in their countries. The GEI focuses its support on efforts that are country-owned and aligned with local needs, goals, and perspectives. Knowledge sharing is central to GEI´s mission and is the inspiration behind the annual convening of gLOCAL.

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