Shona Warren

Shona Warren


Shona is an Analyst at Agulhas. In her role she provides research and analysis across the CRUNCH and Climate Hubs at Agulhas.  She is currently supporting work on the MOPAN Humanitarian Methodologies study.

Shona previously worked in a London-based political consultancy, providing research and analytical support to a range of clients in health, technology, planning and charitable sectors. She also has experience working on women’s health projects and education programmes in Nepal, with a community-based NGO. In her spare time, Shona is the Co-Head of the Migration Programme at Agora, an open-source foreign policy think tank which publishes research and encourages youth engagement in UK policy discussions. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and French, and a Master of International Relations from the University of Melbourne.

Key work skills

Shona’s areas of interest include migration, conflict and displacement, human rights and climate change. She has a number of years of voluntary experience with community-based migrant integration programmes in Melbourne, Australia. Shona has academic research experience focusing on climate change as a driver of migration.

Other interests

Outside of work, Shona loves cooking elaborate and time-consuming meals for friends, reading, hill walking and swimming. She enjoys languages and is currently learning Russian.

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